D I R E C T O R S |

Lic. Noemí González and Dr. Charles Spurgeon |
We are a small family owned language school offering individual attention. We have a staff of experienced, professional,
well-educated teachers who are knowledgeable in the latest techniques of instruction.
Noemí holds a 5 year Degree in Accounting from the Universidád de Guadalajara. She completed two years of
medical school and one year of law in Aguascalientes, Mexico, and is a native of Lagos de Moreno.
Charles holds a PhD in Biblical Archaeology, M.S. in Education from Texas A&M University at Commerce,
a B.S. from Dallas Baptist University, and a two year Diploma from Southwestern Theological Seminary. He
has been a Spanish speaker since 1981, and has worked in Latin America since 1983.
Dr. Charles has been a Spanish speaker since 1981. He holds a B.S. from Dallas Baptist University. a M.S. in Education
from Texas A&M University, a Ph.D. in Biblical Archaeology, and holds 2 Degree in Theology. He
studied Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala.
Rangel Tristan has been a professional educator and Director of a school for many years. She is a top-notch instructor.
with a student from Japan 2015
with a student, a retired Real Estate agent from Washington, D.C.
& Ana Laura 2015
Watanabe from Japan Electrical and Mechanical Engineer 2016
We are truly Blessed to have such a great team to serve you!
Learn Professional Spanish where it is spoken, in Old Mexico;
and it is best learned where it is best taught!