Capuchinos Mall -
It has a couple of larger stores, and a number of smaller ones, rangeing from a jewelry store to an artisansī wares.
There is also a barber shop, dentist office,
and many others inside.
Nearby Lakes -
There are 3 nearby lakes. The closest is Lake Sauceda, 15 minutes away. Thereīs fishing and picnicing. Other
nearby lakes are La Laguna for picnicing (10 minutes away), and the largest lake is the reservior called
"La Cuarenta". It is extremely deep, so caution is advised.
La Feria - (the Fair)
It is from late July to early August each year. There are animal expositions, sheep auctions, Mariachis,
football, roping with the famous Charros of Jalisco, chicken fights, mini-rodeos, circus, various excellent
singing groups in the Arts Theater, art expositions, and mucho, mucho mas!
Movie Theater -
Itīs located in the Capuchinas Mall. Multiīscreen with the latest movies in English with Spanish subtitles
Internet Caféīs -
There is one every few blocks throughout the city. (very economical)
City Tour -
There are a couple of options. First, you can take the quaint, open windowed tourist bus tour which lasts from
45 to 60 minutes, or, since the downtown area is somewhat small, you can elect to take a walking tour. Suggestion:
Why not do this on a Friday with your teacher (Hey, a free guide)!
Video rental -
There are many video stores in town. Also, for less than the price of rental you can buy DVDīs in
the "mercado grande". Bring your DVD player.
The "Mariachi"
The Mariachi was born here in the State of Jalisco. The young lady was
the past "Queen" of our city, and is the daughter of our Profesora Silvia!
Golf -
There is a public golf course in Leon,about 45 minutes away.
Horseback Riding
Mexico is characterized by the sport of the "Charría". You can
appreciate it and at the same time enjoy it by going horseback riding along the river on a typical rancho.
Traditional Jalisco Dances
Learn some of them while you are here. There is an excellent teacher
at very reasonable prices.
Visit other towns -
30 minutes to the south is the town of Union de San Antonio. Itīs central park is beautiful & well
manicured. The locals are so friendly they will talk with you like they know you. 40 minutes
away is Leon, with a population of about 1.7 million. Itīs the shoe capital of the world with shoes
around $22 & boots about $37 & up.
Evening walks -
Lagos is a family oriented city. Entire families are seen simply walking slowly down the streets. Lagos is
a peaceful and safe city.