Lagos Language Training


Where is Lagos de Moreno?
Courses - NEW Shorter Term Course! TESTIMONIALS
Comparative Prices of the Competition
Meet our Staff and a few Students
Photos of Lagos
Local Activities
Online Registration

Long term courses are also offered at a reduced rate




“I would like to say definitely that Lagos Language School is the most reliable and professional language school in the city.  I learned Spanish faster than I had expected!  Here you will experience real Mexico.”

   -Louis Moreno,  Ft. Worth, Tx.


“This is a great opportunity to express my gratitude to Lagos Language School.  I moved to a better position in my job after having studied for only three months.  The staff was a great support and the costs are very affordable!  You must know this experience!!"

    -L. Lewis Roses,  St. Louis, Mo.


"After a three week beginning Spanish course (3 hours a day),  we have learned a lot in a short period of time!  Dr. Spurgeon was very helpful and patient.  He is very knowledgeable and provided much insight on local terminology.  After only 3 weeks we have completed the first semester of college Spanish.  We highly recommend Lagos Language School and Dr. Spurgeon as our Spanish instructor." 

   -Lorenzo and Joleen C., Kansas  City, Mo.


"I'm Chinese and arrived in Mexico from China last April, and started my Spanish course right away,because I didn't speak any words of spanish , maybe just  " hola".  But in five months, I finished 3 full years of College Level Spanish with my teacher Dr. Charles. And now, I speak fluent Spanish in my work here in a Mexican company.  My friends told me that I am smart, but I think actually I had an excellent teacher!"

   -Eden Lin, Lagos de Moreno, Mexico




March 2009 - Prior to attending the Lagos Language School my Spanish was at best mediocre.  After just two weeks (20 hrs per week) of classes I have noticed a vast improvement.  I plan on attending more classes at the Lagos Language School     -Michael C.,  Aguascalientes, MX.  Ret. U.S. Govt.


May-June 2010

The site of the class was very comfortable, in a pleasant garden area.  I found both professors to be exceptional!  They were very professional and seemed interested in the subject matter, wherever the path happened to go.                     -Diane E.  Washington, D.C.











Recommendation from City Hall (in Spanish)

English Translation of the above Recommendation from the City Hall (Presidencia)



City Government 2007 – 2009

Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco


To whom it may concern:


By this means we are permitted to present the citizens Carlos and Herminia Noemi González,  whom we know,  as persons of irreproachable conduct,  and furthermore have done several transactions a the proper manner;  for this reason we have no objection in recommending them extensively.


This letter extends a request to all interested parties,  for transaction purposes if you wish.




“WE WORK FOR YOU...2007-2009”

Lagos de Moreno, Jal. January 25, 2008

                                             (SIGNATURE)                         City Seal

Engineer Roberto Rocha Duran


NOTICE:  We also offer English classes - beginner, intermediate, and advanced,  any time of the year.
Knowing that many of you attend school, LLS also offers a concentrated language study of from 1 to 6 weeks during the early summer, which corresponds to the school vacation time  in Mexico.
 Classes are offered nearly all year round
For Winter and Spring classes e-mail us with  the 
dates you wish to study.  We will coordinate with
your needs!
NEW! Short term Super Intense Course (see below)
           Daily Class Schedule       
   9:00am - 11:00am    Vocabulary and Grammar
 11:00am - 11:30am    Break     
 11:30am - 12:30pm    Composition (Reading/Writing)
 12:30pm -   1:30pm    Conversation
                   1:30pm    Dismiss class
        Summer Calendar
4 week class - June  thru August
6 week class - June thru August
Come and study for the TOPT (Texas Oral Proficiency Test)
to be a certified teacher of Spanish
Small Language Groups
20 hours per week  (4 hours a day, Mon - Fri)
Levels:  Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Duration:  4 and 6 weeks  (Minimum study 1 week)
The first week will concentrate on listening, speaking, and writing on everyday situations.  During the second, third, and fourth weeks, you will rapidly acquire an ever expanding vocabulary with a special emphasis on your Profession or Field of interest.  With a passing grade, you will receive a Diploma after 4 weeks (80 hrs)and 6 weeks (120 hrs.) of study.  Approximately 1 to 2 hours a week will be spent downtown with your teacher in practical, learning situations.  In later studies, you will increase your working vocabulary, speed, and learn idioms and more grammatical structures.  Those in the Nursing and Medical profession may make one trip a week to a clinic or hospital.
Individual Language Study
20 hours per week  (4 hours a day, Mon - Fri)
Levels:  Beginner thru Advanced
Duration: from 1 week until you have reached your goal
As with the small groups, you may begin with basic conversational Spanish, or at whatever level you are now, advancing at your own pace.  You have the option of continuing with everyday Spanish, or concentrate on a particular field of study such as Nursing, Medical, Dental, Business, Religious, or another field of your choosing.   Those in the Medical (Nursing) profession may make one trip a week to a clinic or hospital.
Optional Schedule for Individual Classes
For 4 hours a day. you may elect 9:00AM - 1:00PM (with a short break in the middle),  or, from 1:00PM to 5:00PM (with a short break in the middle). We will try to be flexable to meet your individual needs.
NEW Super Intense Conversational Spanish Course !!!

One of the results of our staff meeting today is a new 2 week Spanish course, more intensive than a normal 2 week course.  One of the benefits of this design is more practicum and more hours in learning situations with less housing costs and less time "away from home" for busy individuals.


Basically this is the design: 

   a. Each day has a specific theme. For example Monday's theme would be  

      "Cordialidad". This would entail meeting people, leaving the presence of

      a person or place, and presentations.

   b. Tuesdays theme would be public transportation.  Wednesday's would be

      eating out. Thursday would be "the home".  Friday would be the Park.

   c. The proposed daily schedule would be 9am to 12 noon theory (classroom

       setting) with a 15 to 20 minute break.  The afternoon session would be

       from 4pm to 7pm.  This practicum would be outside the classroom, 

       taking place in various settings around the city.

   d. Instead of 4 hours of daily instruction,  it would be 6 hours, or 30 hours a

       week instead of 20 hours.  The student will be free from 12 noon until

       4pm.  Monday through Friday.

   e. Sundays would be completely free.  On Saturdays, planned activities

       would be available for those students who wish to participate.

   f. The cost of this 2 week course would be the same as the 3 week Spanish

      course of 60 contact hours but the 60 hours completed in only 2 weeks.

      The cost per instructional hour remains the same.  The savings is in

       housing, meals, and time.  In addition, there is considerably more


   g. NOTE: This same daily schedule can be applied to longer periods of

       time, thus completing more instruction in less time. For example, the six

       week course can be completed in only 4 weeks; and the 4 week

       course in only two and a half weeks!  This is a great opportunity

       for those with a limited time frame!

Official Mexican Holidays will be observed in all cases.
They are:
                      January 1          New Years Day
                      February 5         Day of the Constitution
                      April 18 varies:     Good Friday
                      May 1                Labor Day
                      September 16     Independence Day
                      November 20       Revolution of 1910
                      December 25      Christmas            

Learn Professional Spanish where it is spoken, in Old Mexico;
and it is best learned where it is best taught!